NaNoWriMo 2014 – The Conclusion

NaNoWriMo 2014 certificate

First of all I must apologize for the prolonged absence and lack of posts… As stated at the beginning of this month, I devoted all of my writing time (and more) this month to doing National Novel Writing Month 2014! And… it paid off! I managed to write just over 50’000 words in 29 days. All while keeping up with my full-time job, hosting various dinner parties and dealing with all the crap life tried to throw at me during the month (rather a lot…). I desperately needed to prove to myself that having a day job really is no excuse for not producing a decent amount of writing and I think I did exactly that… only now I have to get on with things and actually produce something worth reading.

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NaNoWriMo 2014


Hi there, just taking a break from the Japan Diary to officially commit, on this little blog of mine, to National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo as it’s commonly known. If you like writing and you haven’t tried it, you should, it’s awesome. There’s still time to sign up (today is the first day) and get in your word count! It’ll make you laugh (well that’s up to you and what you right, really), it’ll make you cry (probably) and it’ll change your life (definitely). It’s a great way to make new friends who are also interested in writing and you’ll end up with the (very) rough draft of at least half of a novel (depending how epic you intend it to be) by the end of it. I know it can be done, as I’ve completed it twice before, but this year I really want to win it while having a full time job at the same time (my previous two wins were achieved while unemployed).

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